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alcaligenes faecalis中文是什么意思

用"alcaligenes faecalis"造句"alcaligenes faecalis"怎么读"alcaligenes faecalis" in a sentence


  • 产碱杆菌
  • 粪产碱菌
  • 粪产硷杆菌


  • Association nitrogen fixation of rice inoculated with ammonia resistant engineering strain alcaligenes faecalis
  • Considering alcaligenes faecalis pencillin g acylase ( afpga ) , which possesses the attractive characteristics for beta - lactam antibiotics conversions , the gene of pga was cloned into two expressing vector pkkfpga and psmlfpga . both the constructed plasmids psmlfpga and pkkfpga contained the pga gene , trc promoter and rrnb transcript terminator , differ in the replicon and antibotic marker , pkkfpga contained multicopy replicon ( cole 1 ) and ampicillin marker . while psmlfpga contained medium - copy replicon ( p15a ) and tetracycline marker
    本文将粪产碱杆菌青霉素g酰化酶( afpga )基因构建表达载体pkkfpga和psmlfpga , pkkfpga和psmlfpga均含trc启动子、青霉素g酰化酶基因、 rrnb转录终止子,其中pkkfpga含有氨卞青霉素抗性基因和cole1高拷贝复制子;而psmlfpga含有四环素抗性基因和p15a中拷贝复制子。
用"alcaligenes faecalis"造句  



Alcaligenes faecalis is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped, motile, non-nitrate reducing, oxidase positive, catalase positive, alpha hemolytic, and citrate positive obligate aerobe that is commonly found in the environment. It was originally named for its first discovery in feces, but was later found to be much more common in other places as well.
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